stubbystock technical alert summary [EOD20130502] $FEIC $CBS $MDSO $HCA $SNI...
table below is the result of screening my holdings at EOD for the respective bullish technical conditions. table below is a histogram of the number of times a stock above populated my screens. i use...
View Articlelist of 20 stubbystocks making new all time highs: $MDSO $VRTS $TRIP $LFG...
link to finviz.com charts checked against the ATH list @ barchart the spreadsheet of todays ATH list: US_Exchanges_All_Time_Highs – 05_15_2013 stubby stocks making 52wk highs but not all time highs:...
View Articlestubbystock technical alert: breakouts continue $OCN $JJSF $GMCR $CAB FEIC...
breaking out: OCN JJSF GMCR VRTS FEIC ULTI ARMH GS WDR CBS finviz charts: http://bit.ly/106Z0eT
View Article16 stubbystock new 52wk HIGHS [EOD20130516]: $CAB $TRIP $VRTS $GMCR $OCN $WDR...
notes: Stock Screener Listing sorted by perfytd 20130516_new_52wk_highs_and_new_aths from barchart.com 4 did NOT make the ATH list but were new 52wk highs: GMCR BDC JPM PNC ranking by IBD SmartSelect...
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